Accomplish 100% of your Goals this Year by Trying this New Approach.
It’s Time for a Change
What’s the most important thing you want to achieve this year and do you feel it’s possible to accomplish?
If you are looking for change in your life, keep reading this article to find out how you can define, shape, and embrace a new perspective towards realizing your goals.
The Self-sabotaging Nature of New Years Resolutions

Lose weight, save money, get a new job…
Each year people around the world declare their New Years Resolutions motivated to accomplish a goal to improve some aspect of their life.
And while intentions are good, research shows 80% of people abandon their resolutions after 30 days due to setting aggressive goals without understanding the effort required to achieve them.
If this sounds familiar, try something new this year by ditching New Years Resolutions and start defining New Years Realizations.
The Power of New Years Realizations

A realization is the ability to focus your mind on fulfilling or achieving something desired or anticipated. It helps structure your thoughts, enabling you to map out a plan towards achieving your goals.
Defining a New Years Realization, is all about mental preparation. Use these 4 questions to set yourself up for success:

#1: What is motiving you to make the change?
If you are not motivated or passionate about your goal, your chances of success are slim. Identify why you want to make the change (i.e., quality of life, personal achievement, family or friends) and allow this to be the driving force to motive you when things get difficult.
#2: What is your plan to make the change?
Based on what you want to accomplish, map out a plan with incremental milestones, spending time upfront to define a scope and schedule that work for you. This ensures your goal is feasible and measurable.
#3 Who can support you as you work toward change?
It is important to identify accountability partners to guide, encourage, and keep you on track towards achieving your goal. Having a strong support system provides a boost of motivation during tough times.
#4: How will you celebrate your victories?
It is always important to factor in a bit of fun by identifying ways to celebrate smaller milestones. This type of positive reinforcement is a great technique to keep you motivated as you strive towards achieving your goal.
Realizing your Change in 2020

Whether planned or unplanned, change is inevitable. And without proper vision, change can be blindsiding veering you off course from reaching your end goal.
Stay on track by identifying a goal that motivates you, outlining a realistic plan with measurable results, finding accountability partners to support you, and making time to celebrate your successes. Doing so will put you one step closer towards realizing your 2020 goals!
Wow cuz this is excellent job! Congrats and keep it up.